Love getting some coaching & training on the go?

CoachGo is a learning platform that has what you need to take your skills enhancement and personal development to the next level. We offer short courses, resources and free tutorials that will help you get the most out your personality and create amazing prospects for a great life. 
Write your awesome label here.

Pre-launch offer.
Get your course before we officially go live! 

All courses for $29 only! Limited time offer

Become a VIP member

Have you considered becoming a VIP member of CoachGo? It is very easy to do so – especially if you take advantage of our $29 offer these days. All you need to do is purchase three CoachGo [$90] courses even with the discount, engage as much as possible and you get a lifetime of 50% off all the other CoachGo [$90] courses you set your eyes on. Oh, and you get to apply for a 30-minute 1-0-1 coaching session with Pamela every six months for one year from the moment you become a VIP member. Do you want more 1-0-1 coaching sessions? Simply purchase two more courses and you add two more 30-minute sessions for the following year.
VIP Membership


You automatically get a 50% discount for any other course you may buy. If a course is on offer you get a 50% on top of the existing offer! 
You can apply to have a 30-minute 1-0-1 coaching session with Pamela every 6 months for one year from the moment you become a VIP member. Do you want more sessions with Pamela? Read the FAQs.
You may apply to contribute to the CoachGo blog on one of the topics supported by CoachGo, and which are relevant to the online courses.
You can apply to become a mentor to the other members of the CoachGo community on topics you will provide evidence that you are an expert in.
Write your awesome label here.
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Special offer

For a limited time!

We believe in the power of community! We GUARANTEE you will enjoy ours!
Buy one course, get one free. Just invite a friend to join the community!
To celebrate the launch of CoachGo, we decided to help you share the beauty of knowledge with a friend! Yes, you can buy a course for $45 (launch party limited time offer) OR...
You can invite a friend to join our community and get one course for you and one for them for the price of $90.
Join us for your complimentary course

Quick Intro to Coach Training: a 3-part training series. Watch the video to discover the contents!

Write your awesome label here.
Here is what you will learn in this free course with Pamela.

Here is what you will find on this platform

Coach Training

Six modules on core coach training. Following completion of these modules you are entitled to register on a complete accredited coach training at our Academy. Contact us for more details.

Negotiation Skills for guys & ladies

Not everyone negotiates the same. In fact, one of the top negotiators and trainer, Chris Voss, has said that his best students were women. A series of modules training you on a number of negotiation skills discussing inclusive skills for everyone who wants to negotiate based on their personality.

Detecting Deception

We want to read people, but we know body language is not enough and most clues can be false. A combination of verbal linguistics, body language and microexpressions will help read others and their lies better.


Confidence is a tricky issue. It cannot be taught unless other personality traits are in place first. A very different take on developing confidence with additional coaching on reality, perspective, perception and reaction.

Resilience & Discipline

Dealing with Red Circumstances is something you need to learn how to do before they knock on your door. And resilience need a specific mindset to use when in dire straits.

Decision Making

Swift, timely and effective decisions are important if you want to have a good quality of life and optimum performance at work. All other topics offered as courses here rely on good decision-making skills. What will your strategy be?

Personal Branding

It seems to be an easy task to establish your identity through social media and how you perceive yourself. However, social media has increased the difficulty to establish your personal brand and incorporate it into a brand strategy for your life and business, whether you are an influencer or executive in a huge company.

What our clients have to say about us

Jan Versteeg

Former Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Greece and co-founder of Orange Grove
An enlightening and fresh perspective to reflect on personal development and leadership

George Pyrounakis

Business owner, OneTwoSix Hardcore Clothing

Pamela has a unique approach to negotiations. When she negotiates, you can hardly tell she is doing so and that is her competitive advantage. Under her guidance, I managed to raise my turnover by 30% when dealing merch on tours - among other great outcomes.

Sandrine Sabatier Hvidkjaer

Global HR & People Development, UNDP
Thank you Pamela for the challenging and rewarding journey you guided me through with your support and tailored coaching approach- it was a unique learning opportunity.

Victor M. Guizar

Program Officer, Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
I had the pleasure to meet Pamela in the UN Emerging Leaders Experience which took place in Turin, Italy, from March 12-15, 2019. As a coach, Pamela has a unique ability to look and analyze the human behavior from a unique perspective.
Her brilliant style sets her apart from conventional models of coaching. Pamela provides valuable insights, guidance and practical tools to develop leadership potentials in both personal and professional contexts. Thank you, Pamela!

Vivi Tsouknida

Former Country Division Lead H Im/Cp at Siemens A.E. Healthcare
We met through our corporate contract and from the first sessions we had, I realized that in certain cases I was able to see people and conditions around me, but only behind a blurred glass.
You were there, the one who helped me clear the glass, understand and accept how others see myself, no matter what I know about myself and skills. Understanding others is a basic step towards better communication, but understanding ourselves comes as a prerequisite to that.
This is the right time to express not only my warmest thanks, but also the fact that I really admire you. Don’t wonder why…

You are one among the few people I met so far, who has the talent to build a feeling of trust out of nothing, in a relationship that did not exist the day before. Trust is a magic feeling which makes things easier, more effective processes, more optimal results to our efforts. Imagine the word without trust: no family bonds, no real friendships, no strong relationships, no corporate morality, no ethnic sense.

Pamela you have the ability to build feelings of trust, and this acts as a canvas on which the coachee starts to paint with the colors he has in his palette: emotional intelligence, sensitivity, perception ability, life experiences, feelings of love and understanding for others, etc.
Today I honestly feel richer because I had the luck to work with you on my personal development. Thank you.

Sign up to gain access to your free coach training & e-book

Thank you! Time to register for free on our platform so you can access your complimentary coach training and e-book. 
Make sure you look into spam/trash/bin folders.
Add our address to your favourites so you won't
miss out on all the details.
Easy unsubscribe, free resources, original training on the go! 
Write your awesome label here.


Lesson series

Negotiation Skills for guys and ladies

Write your awesome label here.

Negotiation Skills for guys

Know the untold processes, make your mark when negotiating.
Write your awesome label here.

Negotiation Skills for ladies

Use your competitive advantage, ensure effective negotiations.
Enjoy free learning and resources on our blog

In the Front Row of skills development

In the Front Row of Training: latest from our blog

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Who is our Founder?

29 years' experience in teaching

Pamela started teaching English as a second language at the age of 18. Even when she became a coach, her business expanded through her coach training academy where she trains professional coaches.

25 years lived and enjoyed as an entrepreneur

After teaching for 5 years, Pamela decided it was time to set up her own language school. A risky decision that taught her numerous lessons on business failures and success. She also became an expert in branding, marketing and communicating her brand to the public and social media.

12 years' experience as a coach

In 2009 Pamela entered the coaching world only to decide that it was not enough. She has raised the standards and her coaching methodology is based on the Sherlock Holmes way of thinking, FBI interviewing skills and mathematics.

10 years' experience in skills training

Her extensive experience in teaching naturally led to Pamela becoming and expert in manipulating and utilising language for influence and negotiations. She travelled the world training the corporate world in negotiations, crisis management, public speaking and team working.

Meet Your instructor & founder of CoachGo, Pamela Caravas

Pamela in images

Presentation of her research paper at the Harvard Medical School / Institute of Coaching Leadership Conference in Boston, 2018

Title of paper: Detecting lies in coaching sessions and modifying coach language to reach positive outcomes.

United Nations System Staff College

Collaborator for the UNELE (United Nations Emerging Leaders Experience) 2019 on Negotiation Skills. An amazing experience at the beautiful UNSSC campus in Torino, Italy.

United Nations Development Program

Coaching via the eCoachPro collaboration to women on their career and personal branding on the UNDP SPARK programme 2020.
Presenter at the Annual European Mentoring and Coaching Council Conferences
Focus of recent presentation: Profiling as a tool for Diversity & Inclusion. We are used to the "profiling" term in relation with the FBI's Behavioural Analysis Unit. Pamela worked on adapting it to the coaching context.
Training in Interviewing techniques by former FBI agents
Coaching, for Pamela, can learn a lot in the art of questioning from experts who extract the tiniest details from others. She has adapted the interviewing techniques to fit the coaching context.

Coach at the Dutch Embassy's initiative for entrepreneurs

The former Dutch Ambassador in Greece set up the initiative, Orange Grove, for start-ups and entrepreneurs. Pamela coached them on all issues from 2013 - 2016. Here with the f. Ambassador, Jan Versteeg.

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Frequently asked questions

Account information

How do I create an account?

You can go to the top right corner and click on Sign up. Once you do that, a "Create Account" card will open up. If you have already created and account, just click on Sign in.
To create your account, you may either use your social media accounts or start fresh with your personal email address. We recommend you start fresh!
To complete your account creation, you need to agree with the terms and conditions (please look at them) and decide if you want to get free resources through our newsletters and announcements.
NOTE: please make sure you remember how you signed up. If you sign up with a social media account and then you forget you have done so, then try to create another account with your second email address the system will have to delete the second account. Please contact us at if you think you have two accounts.
That's it, you can browse through our course catalog!

The "Sign in" card opened up, but I want to sign up and create an account

If you accidentally clicked on "Sign in" or "Log in" and you do not have an account yet, just go to the bottom of the card and click on Create account.
Once you click on Create account, the following card will open up. Follow the instructions in the first question.

What will you do with my e-mail address?

Your e-mail address is your key to your school. It is fully safe with us and we will use it only to communicate with you, if necessary.

What do I do if I forget my password?

If you click on Sign in, the "Log in" card will open up, go down to the bottom of the card and click on "Forgot your password?". Follow the instructions you are given from then on to reset your password.

I have created an account with my Facebook account but I cannot log in with that email.

If you've used a social account (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin) to register to the school, then all you need to do is click on the respective button in the Login form.
If you've used your email to register for the school then simply fill out your e-mail and password in the login form and click Login.
That's it, you can browse through our course catalog!

How can I Edit / Insert my account details (Profile Picture, Biography, Locations etc)

When logged in to your school, click on the top bar Profile suboption after hovering your mouse over the Me top bar option. This will lead you to your profile page.
There, click on the edit button and start changing your personal info. You can update your name and email, add a short bio so other members of the community can learn more about you and add your social accounts so that others can contact you.

How can I change my password?

Changing the password can be done from the online school's log in form (you have to be logged out). Go to the login form and click on the "Forgot your password?" button that can be located right under the Login button.
Insert the email of your account and click OK.
You will soon receive an email containing a link for resetting your password. If you don't receive this email after a few minutes, please check the spam folder of your email account as the reset email may have accidentally been held up by your spam filter.

Why can't I log in to my account?

First of all make sure that the combination of e-mail and password you tried is correct (for security reasons our error message doesn't explicitly reference whether you made a mistake in your email or password. This is deliberately so to make it harder for malicious individuals to guess any account details). If you are still having problems it might that have forgotten your password. In this case you can simply ask for a new one to be sent out to you. Click on the Forgot your password? link located just below the Login button.
Type the email that corresponds to your account and click Send. An email will be sent to you with a link for setting a new password for your account. If you don’t see the email appearing in your Inbox, make sure to also check the spam folder as it may have been accidentally caught by your email's spam filter. If this is the case then make sure to identify this message as Not spam so that you don't lose any future correspondence from your online school.

How can I send a private inbox message to another Learner?

Click on the top bar ME, the dropdown menu will appear, then click the INBOX sub-option. Click on New Message. Remember to check the exact name of the person you want to send the message to before you click on New Message.
Select the co-learner you would like to send the message to (start typing @ and the name of the student. A list of suggested accounts will appear and you can pick the right one). The fill out your message and click the send button.

How do I exit from the School?

If you want to log out from the online school simply click the Sign out option that can be found at the top-right menu.

payment information 

What forms of payment do you accept?

All major credit and debit cards are accepted. We use STRIPE which means your payment details will be more than secure. No off line payments can be accepted unless there is a valid reason (see below, next question).

What Other Payment Options Do You Have?

In the event that you cannot perform a credit or debit card payment

How do I know that you have received my order?

Once your payment has been successfully processed, your course will be immediately accessible to you. If the course hasn't unlocked despite you payment going through, then please contact the site's owner and you will be given access to the course asap.

Where is the invoice for the course I just bought?

You can find fully detailed invoices for all the courses you have purchased in the Account page, which can be found by hovering your mouse over the Me top bar option. If you made a purchase outside the school then you can contact the school owner / instructor for an invoice.

Purchasing & accessing your course

I want to get access to the free e-course. Do I just sign up to the school?

No, you do not have access to the free course by just creating an account. You have to go to the specific section that prompts you to sign up for the free course and coach training e-book. 
This will give you the option to subscribe as well. Tick the checkbox - you can always manage your subscription preferences later on. 

Once you sign up,

I was given a discount coupon to this school. How can I use it to buy a course with discount?

Buying a course with a discount coupon is not much different from our normal checkout process.
1) Go to the course page for which you have a coupon and click Enroll.
2) You will be automatically redirect to Enroll in Course page. Type your coupon code in the textbox (in our example: coupon_code) and click Redeem.
3) the discount will be automatically calculated in the final price.
4) You can now finalize the purchase process by clicking on the Buy button

How soon will I get access to my courses?

You will get access to your course(s) immediately after your make an online purchase (or when you have been manually enrolled by the instructor).

I purchased a course. How do I access it?

If you have already purchased a course you only need to visit the course's page and you will have full access to the content. Alternately, you can access the starting page of your school. The courses you have purchased will appear at the top of the course list. By clicking on a course card you will be directed to its contents.

Do I have to be online at a specific time to take a course?

No, you can take your course whenever you want. The course remains online around the clock. All you need is internet access and a fairly modern browser.

Can I take more than one course at a time?

Yes. You can take as many courses as you wish.

How do I access a course that I have completed?

You can access your courses anytime simply by logging in to the platform and visiting the course page. The courses you have purchased appear always first in the school’s course catalog.

How do I become a VIP member?

You can easily become a VIP member if
  1. You purchase all at once or over time three CoachGo $90 courses. You may purchase them with a discount or as part of any other offer or full price. As long as you have purchased three of our courses.
  2. You engage actively in the community by offering your insights, experience, views, and in essence becoming sort of a mentor for the rest of the community. The more you participate, the more points you get.
  3. The quality of you engagement matters. You get extra points for the originality, uniqueness and overall quality of your contribution to the community.

What are the benefits if I become a VIP member?

If you become a VIP member:
  1. You automatically get a 50% discount for any other course you may buy. If a course is on offer you get a 50% on top of the existing offer! 
  2. You can apply to have a 30-minute 1-0-1 coaching session with Pamela every 6 months for one year from the moment you become a VIP member. Do you want more 1-0-1 coaching sessions? Simply purchase two more courses and you add two more 30-minute sessions for the following year.
  3. You may apply to contribute to the CoachGo blog on one of the topics supported by CoachGo, and which are relevant to the online courses.
  4. You can apply to become a mentor to the other members of the CoachGo community on topics you will provide evidence that you are an expert in.

Cancellations & refunds

How do I cancel a course?

For cancelling a course enrollment or asking for a refund please contact the School's owner (contact info can be found under the Account option on the top right menu)

course Navigation

How do I navigate inside a course?

Once you access a course, you will find a full table of contents at the left-hand side of the screen. You can browse through the sections and access the learning unit you would like to study. In most cases you would be better off when simply following the linear course order proposed by the course instructor. In the future you can always come back re-visit any learning unit you wish. Note that learning units that you have visited / completed are marked with a discrete check mark.

product information 

Can I sample a course or lesson before deciding to purchase a course?

In many cases courses have one or more free sections that you can sample before you decide to purchase a course.

Are there prerequisites for the courses or lessons?

In most cases there are no prerequisites and you can take any course you want independently. For certain courses that do have prerequisites, this will be clearly written in the course description. And you may also want to discuss this with the course instructor.

How long does it take to complete a course?

It depends on the course. Each course has different time requirements. Read the course's description or contact your instructor for more specific details.

Does access to my paid courses expire?

In most cases, once you have enrolled to a course you will have access for lifetime. Courses with limited time access say so clearly in the course description.

How do I download course content?

If you are enrolled to a course (paid or not) you will have access to the whole course contents. In most cases the contents are not available for download and you will need to be connected to the internet and access the contents through your browser. Certain material, like PDF files or PPT presentations may be available for download.

Where is My Download Information?

If the course you want to enroll is free just click on Start for free button and you will have full access to the content. If the course you want to enroll is not free click on Enroll button (the course's prices should be visible, right next to enroll) and follow the checkout process. When you finish the course contents will unlock for you.

Can the E-Books Be Read on XXX (insert favourite E-Reader here)?

We’re yet to test all E-Books on every application and E-Reader but they are PDF documents that should be able to be read on many of them. We have optimized it for Adobe Reader (free) and therefore recommend that as the best application to use

Tech issues

What Browsers are Supported?

We support the latest versions of all well-known browsers. For optimal studying experience we recommend using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.

Can I take the courses on my iPad or tablet?

Of course you can. This online school is fully responsive in all kinds of electronic devices.

Can I take the courses on my iPhone or smartphone?

Of course you can. This online school is fully responsive in all kinds of mobile devices. For optimal experience you can use the mobile version of Google Chrome, if your device supports it.

Is Internet Access Required?

Internet access is required since all of the course contents are online. We also recommend using a broadband internet connection, especially when you have to go through video content.

Recommended Technology

Just a broadband Internet connection and the latest version of your favorite browser.

Troubleshoot issues with Video

Our video player automatically tries to adjust the video quality to your internet speed, giving you the highest quality possible but in certain cases, for very slow connections, this might not be possible. If you’re experiencing excessive buffering during playback, it’s probably because your Internet connection cannot support continuous playback of the video. In this case try to reset your connection/internet router or, if possible, try accessing your online courses using a better internet connection.
You may also want to try one of the following: 1. Close extra browser tabs or other applications that may be using up your bandwidth. 2. Make sure you're using the latest version of your browser.
Our vision is to make an impact on all societies through our affordable, competitive and high quality training while focusing on social responsibility, inclusivity and real value. We want to offer you the most comprehensive, rewarding and challenging learning experience for skills enhancement and personal development.
Our company does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients. 
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